Thursday, March 19, 2009

Theme Thursday: Vegetable

A worthy read. As are Michael Pollen's In Defense of Food and The Omnivore's Dilemma.


  1. Hope it was OK to update. Please feel free to change/add at will!

  2. Of course it's okay! My sister-in-law has been raving about Omnivore's Dilemma for months, and I just haven't got to it yet...

  3. Thanks for the recommendation tut-tut. I have read the the Poisonwood Bible, but none of Kingsolver's other works.

    BTW- what does everyone think about this blog going 'Public' ????

    And are we posting next weekend on Stealing Horse??- Looking forward to it!

  4. tut-tut! No worries! I did a TT last week, here.


    Cinnamon, I'd be for it. It'd be interesting to see who's reading what, these days.

    Still ploughing through OSH. It's been a slow read for me. But should be no problem posting, wek next :)

  5. Have just finished reading OSH- I have got to try and articulate my thoughts now ..

  6. The Omnivore's Dilemma made me a believer in "grass farming." I now buy all my beef and chicken from Polyface Farm, which figured heavily in the book. Joel Salatin is quite a character!

  7. Finished OSH last night. Seems to be a lot of unresolved issues...writing my review later on and will post on 27th :)

    I had to renew "Stargazey", so I've that one on the top of the pile. And I'll see if I can get a copy of Mr. Pip. Also, never read any Nolan.

  8. I have a copy of Stargazey I got from the used bookstore, and copies of The Banyan Tree and Mr. Pip coming.

  9. Hi tut-tut! Martha Grimes has some addictive writings! Still looking for her book of poetry...

  10. Sub: Martha writes poetry! Didn't know

    All: L and I are going to Atlanta to hear Juno Diaz read tomorrow, 26th March. Will be back on Friday. When/how are we doing our discussion? Twitter?

  11. Hi tut-tut and everyone. Presumably we will all make a post on OSH and then comment on each other's??

  12. Hi Cinnamon et. al. Yeah, I think that's how this is going to work. I don't know, never done it before. Anyway I say go for it, everybody! Let's get this virtual party started.

    I will be a little out of the loop this weekend as Liam's school has their annual fundraiser and I'm volunteering for just about every minute of set-up and clean-up, but you shall see my post on Sunday (it is still under construction) and I hope to have a quiet hour or two each night to read yours.

    Oh, and I am adding a new team member shortly. Sorry to do that without really asking but she emailed me today and she's read the book already, so I figured it's cool. You will recognize her from Theme Thursday and sorry to be a bit cryptic but I honestly can't remember her blog name at the moment and gmail appears to be having troubles.


  13. Hi Megan- that sounds cool. Great to have another member. Look forward to reading your thoughts. Mine will be up later today/maybe Saturday depending on what kicks off today :) I have decided not to read the other posts until I have posted my own thoughts- then it will be a surprise if we have had similar or completely opposite views!
